Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July/August Breakfast Warriors

July 19: Joy and Bryan
July 26: Andrew and Elizabeth
August 2: Justin and Courtney
August 9: Lindsey and Tate
August 16: Jill and Ben
August 23: Wayne and Stacey
August 30: Bo and Loni

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Baby Gage is Here!

Congratulations to Scott and Jenny! Baby Gage was born on Monday and he weighed 8 lbs, 2 ozs and was 21 1/2 inches long. You can visit their blog for pictures and more information.

Monday, June 15, 2009

June 14th Prayer Requests

Wayne: Praise for a successful camp last week. He took 3 students- 1 rededicated his life and another gave his life to Christ!

Bo: Pray for the families of 2 students killed over the weekend. Pray for him as he travels this week.

Justin: Pray for his co-workers wife (Deb) - doctors recently found inoperable tumors on her liver and pancreas. Pray for the family as they begin treatments and the doctors who are treating her.

Nikki: Continue to pray for Justin's safety and productivity; Pray for Justin's grandmother (Joyce) as she has surgery this week to unblock an artery.

Al: Continue to pray for his sister in Virginia as she prepares for missions overseas.

Jamie: Pray for Rozi and Katherine and their families as they remove the ventilator from their grandmother. Pray for peace for the families.

Katie: Pray for Lauren and Joe Walker's 2 week old baby Colby. He has been having seizures and is in Birmingham in the hospital.

Emily: Pray for Sarah Ann Hicks who is having blood pressure problems during her pregnancy.

Pray for Wayne and Tiffany and the students they are taking to FCA Camp this week.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

June 7 Announcements & Prayer Requests

  • Men's Connection Bible Study will meet on Tuesdays @ 7 a.m. at the Cottage Cafe in Opelika and on Thursdays @ 7 a.m at Toomer's Coffee in Auburn.
  • Baptist Bounty II Cookbook will be accepting submissions through June 15. Submission forms are available in the church office, Welcome Center and here.


  • Wayne & Stacy and Randall & Kristen are married and have safely returned from their honeymoons.
  • Loni- Her dad went to the doctor this week and the meds are working so they won't have to do surgery.
  • Justin- Courtney got into nursing school at Auburn

Prayer Requests

  • Wayne- His first FCA camp is this week; Please pray that God will work in the lives of these students.
  • Al- His sister is preparing for a 2 year Journeyman's mission. She is going to Virginia for preparation. Pray for her safety and God's will for where she needs to go on her mission.
  • Rozi- Rozi & Katherine's grandmother (Rozi Washington) is in the hospital and was having surgery on Monday. Pray for her recovery.
  • Bo- His friend Robert who was in an accident about 6 weeks ago. The injuries were worse than they first believed. Robert is in a "boot" and having trouble moving around. Pray for his peace of mind and recovery.
  • Stacy: Pray for her grandmother's health and God's healing.

Monday, June 1, 2009

May 31 Announcements and Prayer Requests


  • Bethany and Keith will be getting married June 20th!

  • A New Cookbook: Baptist Bounty II is being published. Recipes are being accepted until June 15th. Submission forms are available in the Welcome Center, Church Office and Sunday School Classes. Submissions can also be made online here.

Prayer Requests

  • Ryan and Misty Lackey: Misty is 17 wks pregnant and has been having contractions and bad migraines. Pray for the contractions and migraines to stop. Also, Misty has two uncles who were diagnosed with cancer. Please pray for both of her uncles and their families as they discuss options and begin treatments.
  • Jason: Please pray for safe travels for Rozi.
  • Josh: Pray for his friend Noey who works at BF Goodrich. He and his wife Heather are getting a divorce and the plant is closing. Noey has expressed interest in attending a Bible Study with Josh. Pray that Josh can reach out to Noey and get him involved with good, Christian men.
  • Nikki: Continue to pray for Justin's safety. He has become more productive and was able to take a day off.
  • Emily: Praise- her Dad is finishing his 8th month at Restoration Ranch. He has been given the opportunity to stay for 4 more months in a counseling role. Please pray for him as he makes the decision of whether to leave or stay.
  • Bethany: The orthopedic doctor has told Keith's dad the casts can be removed the day of the wedding. Pray that they will be lenient and take them off a day or so before the wedding.
  • Bo: Loni's dad is going for a check up on Thursday. Pray that the medication is working and they will not have to do surgery.

Monday, May 18, 2009

May 17 Announcements/Prayer Requests

  • Girl's Bible Study is TUESDAY night this week at 6:30 at Courtney's house.


  • Bryan - his grandmother passed away this weekend. Pray for his family as well as safe travels to Florida for the funeral.
  • Clayton - praise - his company picked up a job that he will be managing.
  • Jason - praise - he has been reclassified for instate tuition! prayer requests - Rozi, her sister, and the boys are at the beach...prayers for a great time and safety. Two family members/friends were lost this time last year...pray for the families as they struggle with the 1 year anniversary of their deaths.
  • Kristen and Randall were married Saturday!! Please pray for their safety on their honeymoon.
  • Wayne and Stacy's wedding is this Saturday (May 23). Please pray for everything to go smoothly and their safety on their honeymoon.

Seth and Courtney

Monday, May 11, 2009

May 10 Announcements and Prayer Requests

Sorry I didn't update last week... oops!


Help for the Financially Hurting
Tuesday May 12th 5:00-9:00 in the 3:16 Center-- if you can help with childcare, call the church office (745-5715)

Camp War Eagle
The College Ministry is collecting bottled water to pass out at CWE. If you would like to donate water, take it to the church office.

The youth are collecting croc's or croc-like shoes for the Nicaraguan refugees in Costa Rica. Bring any donations to the Welcome Center or the E79 Building.

Missions Committee
The Missions Committee is collecting donations of rice, dried beans or money for Orphanage Emmanuel in Honduras. Barrells are located in the Children and Preschool lobbies. Deadline is May 15.

Tournament is Tuesday Night- look for an email about game times

FCA Coffee House
This is scheduled for next Sunday Night (5/17). Look for an email to confirm the time, date, and location.

Prayer Requests
Rozi: Keith's dad, Bill, was in a motorcycle accident Saturday. He was seriously injured and will require many surgeries. He is currently in critical condition.

Nikki: Update on Jenkins family: 2 of 3 boys have gone through the bone marrow transplant and are recovering well; please pray for continued healing and the third child to go through the transplant soon. Pray for Justin's safety over the next 7 weeks

Clayton: Pray for work to pick up

Bryan: Joylyn was called back for a second intreview Tuesday morning

Bo: Lonnie's dad was released from hosptial; doctor is attempting to fight blockage with medication to prevent doing open heart surgery. Bo's friend Robert had a serious accident on a farm this past week. Pray for his recovery and his job.

Emily: Pray for all the moms who have lost babies as well as those who are trying to get pregnant

Snacks Next Week: Travis and Emily

Monday, April 27, 2009

April 26 Announcements and Prayer Requests

Jane Leland Day
May 10th is Jane Leland Day at FBCO! In honor of Jane's 32 years of sevice, world renowned organist Diane Bish will be in concert Sunday evening. Tickets are required. They are complimentary and are available at the Welcome Center on a first-come, first- served basis.

Help for the Financially Hurting
Seminar will be held May 12th. You can help by volunteering to serve as a childcare worker. Call the church office for more information.

Pre-Marriage Seminar
Saturday May 9 (9 a.m. to 1 p.m.); This is for engaged couples. Call the church office to register BY May 7th.

Pictures for Directory
Additional photography dates have been added (May 6, 7, 8 and 9). Sign up by calling the church office (745-5715) or here

Tuesday at 6:30 and 7:30

Engagement Social
Thursday Night at 6:30 at Al and Krystle's house. We will be celebrating with the engaged couples in our class by playing "The Newlywed Game" to see how well they know each other. Bring an appetizer or dessert.

Bo: Praise that Loni's surgery went well! Pray for Loni's dad (he had a heart attack over the weekend and had to have two stints put in)

Emily: Pray for her sister's nursing interview on Thursday (Beth Anne), Pray for her parents (Melissa/Tim) as they begin the process of divorce

Bryan: Pray for his future nephew-in-law (Ryan) who was in a car accident that he will come to know Christ

Ben: Praise that Jill received a job offer in Auburn at AJHS, pray for board approval and Jill during the last month on her current job

Jayme: Pray for her family, especially her 18 year old sister who ran away from home

Snacks next week: Bryan and Joylyn

Monday, April 20, 2009

April 18 Announcements and Prayer Requests

Church Directory Pictures
The church has added additional picture dates. Sign up by calling the church office (745-5715), in the welcome center or here.

First Fridays
May 1, 2009 in the 3:16 center; The speaker is Julie Klarenbeek from the Women's Hope Medical Clinic. Call the church office by noon on Wednesday, April 29th.

City Fest
Auburn City Fest is this Saturday from 9-4 at Kiesel Park. FBCO will have a booth to give away gospel and church materials. If you can work a shift (8:30-11:00, 11:00-1:30 or 1:30-4:00) contact Diane Vickers (745-5715 or dianev@fbcopelika.com)

Foreign Ministries
For more information on supporting Grace Campus Ministries, contact Alli

Prayer Requests:

* Rozi: Safety for Jason and the boys as they fly home Tuesday
* Bo: Loni is having her wisdom teeth out on Thursday
* Nikki: Pray for an easy transition as Justin leaves for the summer, pray for Justin to stay safe this summer
* Clayton: Work is rough right now- pray they will get more jobs
* Josh: BF Goodrich plant is closing, Josh did contract work there, he is trusting God that He will provide employment; pray for Josh & Alli and all others at BF Goodrich during this time
* Joylyn: Pray for her as she has submitted a scholarship application from the hospital.

Snacks Next Week: Ryan and Tiffany

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday School Snack List

April 19: Ben and Jill

April 26: Ryan and Tiffany

May 3: Bryan and Joylyn

May 10: Jason and Rozi

May 17: Travis and Emily

May 24: Seth and Courtney

May 31: Chance and Blakely

April 12 Announcements & Prayer Requests

* Two week class on Mormanism begins next Sunday at 5:00 in Room 121. Contact Cade (cadef@fbcopelika.com) for more information
* Forks and Friends: Summer Supper Club to meet May-July, sign up in the welcome center
* Tennis Tournament: April 25 @ Calhoun Tennis Center; Cost $10.00 to play, proceeds go to His Place. Register by calling the church office
* CityFest: April 25 9-4: FBCO will have a booth set up to hand out gospel and church materials. If you are interested in working one of the shifts, contact Diane (dianev@fbcopelika.com)
* New Ministry: Cradle Club will pair expecting moms with experienced moms. If you are interested, contact Stephanie Pinkard, Tipi Miller, Tamara Teel or John Barron.
* Josh & Alli are hosting Katie Bartlett with Grace Campus at their house Friday @ 7
* Al: If you are interested in going, John Eldridge will be in Columbus Saturday at 6:00, contact Al or Ryan for more information
* Ladies Bible Study: Next Sunday @ 6:30 at Courtney's house- Chapter 1
* Men's Bible Study: Next Sunday
* Softball: 6:30 and 7:30 tonight

Prayer Requests
* Justin D: Safe travels for his family on their way back to North Carolina
* Krystle: She has an interview Wednesday with CVS for a position in Auburn
* Nikki: Pray for the Jenkins family as they deal with a rare cancer in two children and a sister who is a bone marrow match
* Jason: Safe travels and sanity as he drives to Michigan with the boys
* Wayne: Praise that his mom is 100% on board with the wedding!

Monday, March 30, 2009

March 29 Announcements & Prayer Requests

First Fridays: April 3 @ 11:45 in the 3:16 Center
Call church office by 12:00 Wednesday for Reservations

Women’s Conference: April 17-19
E-mail Katie with questions

Mission Trip Opportunities
*June 28-July 9, 2009: Kenya (contact Jason Johnson for more information: jwj001@auburn.edu)
*July 25-August 1, 2009: Honduras (contact Larry Murphey for more information: larrm271@charter.net)
*March 2010: Greece (email Rozi for more information)

Women’s Bible Study
6:30 on Sunday Nights (contact Nikki with questions)

Men’s Bible Study
7:00 on Sunday Nights (contact Al with questions)

My Jerusalem: This Saturday @ 8:00: Meet in the 3:16 for breakfast

Games at 7:30 and 9:30 on Tuesday (contact Bo with questions)
Played two games last week (won one, lost one)

Gentry’s Send Off Picnic
The picnic has been rescheduled for NEXT Thursday (April 9).

Prayer Requests

  • Jamie: pray for diligence as he works on completing his dissertation; asked for prayer for his colleague and her husband- his aorta ripped while in Turkey and he had to undergo emergency surgery
  • Ryan & Misty: Praise that Misty is 8 weeks pregnant
  • Nikki: Praise that her brother found a job
  • Josh’s brother-in-law (James Taylor) is deploying to Afghanistan
  • Seth: pray for his friend who was wounded in the war
  • Wayne: pray for FCA camp and that someone will provide for transportation to and from camp
  • Bryan: pray for his sister and brother-in-law as they are dealing with the loss of his job and working through a rough patch in their marriage
  • Courtney : pray for her grandfather with stage 4 cancer to remain rested and calm and for his caretakers (her mom and grandmother) to have patience and diligence

Monday, March 23, 2009

March 22 Prayer Requests & Announcements

Prayer Requests
  • Katie: Please pray for her dad's back to heal, for his pain to subside and for him to be careful when driving himself around.
  • Emily: Pray for their peace of mind during their first ultrasound on Monday at 8:15 a.m.
  • Alli: Pray for her best friend, Casey, as she is experiencing her first death in the loss of her grandmother.
  • Hillary: Pray for an older couple they are friends with who are in marital turmoil. The husband left the wife.
Church Picture Directory
Sign up at www.signup.olanmills.com or at the Welcome Center. The dates are April 9-11 and 16-18.

Women's Conference
April 17 - 19
Go here for more information or ask Katie.

Men's Softball
Contact Bo with questions.

Men's Bible Study
Contact Al with questions.

Women's Bible Study
Sunday, March 29 at 6:30 p.m.
Will meet at Tiffany's to discuss our next study...be thinking of ideas!
Contact Nikki with any questions.

Social Events
Thursday, April 2nd - 5:30 p.m. - Keisal Park - "Gentry Send Off Picnic"
In honor of the Gentrys leaving us for Aliceville, Alabama we will picnic at Kiesel Park and enjoy them one more time. Bring your family's picnic food and blanket. We'll provide football and Frisbees for the guys while the girls chat it up.

Thursday, April 30th - 6:30 p.m. - Henry's House - "Game Show Engagement Party"
In honor of all the newlyweds in our Sunday School Class, we would like to celebrate with them by throwing a fun engagement party. We will play the "Newlywed Game" to see how well our engaged couples know each other before they tie the knot. We thought this would be a neat way to get to know each of you better. We will have a sign-up at Sunday School for you to bring either a appetizer or dessert. More details to come.

Sunday, May 17th - 7:30 p.m. - Henry's House - "FCA Coffee House"
We will be meeting for dessert and coffee as we discuss and pray for Wayne Dickens and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes Ministry. Please make every effort to attend this important social as so many of our class are a part of this ministry.

Be on the look out for Supper Club to start back up in May!!

Please contact Tiffany or Blakely with Summer Social (June or July) ideas.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Marriage Conference: THIS WEEKEND!

Six Secrets to a Lasting Love
Dr. Gary and Barb Rosberg
Saturday, March 21 9:-3:30
$45 per couple
(includes all material, snacks and lunch)
Registration begins at 8:30 and you can register on site or come by the church office.

Call Mike King or Diane at the church office with any questions at 745-5715.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 15 Announcements

Men's Bible Study: Will meet next Sunday 3/22 to complete book

Ladies' Bible Study: Will meet Tuesday 3/17 at Emily's to complete book; next scheduled meeting is 3/29 at Tiffany's house

Softball: First game will be March 24 (Time TBA); looking at purchasing shirts.

If you want to play talk to Bo

Softball Practice: Sunday March 22 @ 4

Women's Conference: April 17-19, 2009 in Orange Beach

Scholarships needed for Youth to attend Base Camp (Emily suggested writing "scholarship for youth" on your check)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Baby Kate is Here!

Born today (March 10) at 12:56 a.m. after about 13 hours of labor, Kathleen Elizabeth "Kate" joined the sweet McKinnon family! She weighed 6 lbs 5 oz at birth and is 18 1/2 inches long. According to her aunt, "she has a head full of dark hair, is GORGEOUS and looks like her mama!" Please keep Clayton and Shealy in your prayers and visit their blog for updated pictures.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Baby Ryan is here!

Ryan Lily was born to Jenny and Bill Ferguson last week! Jenny says that Ryan is doing fabulous and that they love being parents. Check out their blog to see pictures of this sweet baby girl! Look for information soon to sign-up to take them food...meet the baby!

March 8 Prayer Requests & Announcements

Prayer Requests
  • Phil: Pray for his family as they mourn his grandfather's death
  • Nikki: Pray travel mercies for them as they travel over Spring Break to visit family and take care of some of Justin's research
  • Clayton: Keep them in mind as Shealy is nearing the end of her pregnancy
  • Ryan: He reminded us to remember Jenny & Bill and baby Ryan
  • Katie: Travel mercies for Jamie on Wednesday as he returns from Seattle
  • Josh: Pray healing for his mother-in-law's foot after an injury during a run on Saturday
  • Katherine: Pray safety over her sister Leslie who is serving as a missionary in Sudan during tumultuous times
  • Contact Bo or Al if you are interested in participating on the men's softball team
  • Contact Tiffany or Blakely with any questions about the social next Sunday at Al & Krystle's
  • Contact Katie with any questions about the Women's Conference, April 17 - 19 in Orange Beach. The price starts at $120 for 8 women to share a condo, and that covers transportation (if you ride with the church), the speaker, two meals (breakfast and dinner) and LOTS of fun and fellowship!
  • The women will meet to determine the next Bible Study on March 29. Contact Nikki with questions.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

New Class Location

We will meet in our new room (311) this Sunday, Feb 22. See you then!